Serving Savannah Since 1917                                                                                

Welcome to the Savannah Bar Association New Member Application Page 

2024—2025 Savannah Bar Association
Joining Membership Form

Please use this page to begin the process of establishing your membership with the Savannah Bar Association and your SBA Member Directory listing on this website. Do not hesitate to Contact Us with any questions you might have regarding membership. We are excited to have you join the SBA! 

Extended Directory:
All SBA membership levels include an 'Extended Directory' which consists of a member profile with contact information for the public. All member directory information is searchable within the SBA Member Directory. Please remember to select your Practice Areas, which are also publicly searchable within the SBA Member Directory.

Please Note: Two current SBA members must sponsor new joining SBA members. Once your application process is complete, your application will be held pending final approval from the membership. An SBA luncheon vote of attending SBA members must approve all new member applications. New members joining SBA after April will have their memberships confirmed at the SBA Luncheon in September. 

Your SBA Member Directory listing information will appear on this website once your new membership registration has been paid in full, approved, and confirmed by the SBA membership. 

Membership registration payments completed online through SBA's secure website are safe, welcomed, and encouraged! 

Savannah Bar Association Welcomes You to the Bar!

—Choose Your Membership Level—

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